The Racial Wealth Gap

The causes of the Racial Wealth Gap are complex and many. They are related to the legacy of systemic racism which results in different racial groups having different opportunities and experiences both historically and currently.

Image: Vox

What Does the Data Say?

Some factors include long-term impacts of slavery, the legacy of Jim Crow, racial violence, redlining and housing segregation and systemic discrimination based on race in access to housing, education, loans and job opportunities. Please review the data below that illustrates the existing racial disparities in Connecticut, New Haven and the Greater New Haven region.

What Solutions Are Possible?

Below are some programs and policies that other cities have used to improve disparities in income inequality, intergenerational wealth, homeownership rates, and access to institutional capital.

Issue Areas Key:

  • Income Inequality

  • Homeownership Rates

  • Access to Institutional Capital

  • Intergenerational Wealth

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